The worst thing about having friends that are all smarter than you is that they all usually go on to be far more successful in life. There are exceptions to every rule but sadly, none of them are friends with me. Given that I have had the same close friends since age thirteen, I have had a long time to come to terms with the fact that I am the Mary Anne of this particular baby sitters club (Seriously, her talent was that she was organised and stopped wearing her hair in pigtails? Even Mallory got to be good at writing). One of the less significant downsides with a cohort of genii correcting spelling mistakes in your facebook status updates is that if you play board games with these people, your ass will be handed to you every time.

As a kid, the two main games we played in our household were Guess Who? and Memory. This means I am excellent at picking out suspects in a police line up. I suck at anything involving words, basic maths skills or general knowledge. Balderdash is a particular no-go zone. That game has lost me some excess self esteem over the years, that is for sure.

Anyway, today I was aimlessly wandering though life a large chain store when I came across Justin Bieber: Backstage Pass-the Board Game!!! And doesn’t it just sound like fun for the whole family/a terrifying waste of time and money! See, you pit your knowledge of Justin’s life and music against your closest Belieber friends/co-accused to win your way “backstage” with Justin where he gives you a “special message”. Yes; by harnessing stalker-esque knowledge and rewarding it with an imaginary meeting and fake personalised greeting (OR ZOMG MAYBE A KISS LULZ), it is literally the perfect present for the eleven year old psychopath in your life who has already been banned from a Justin Bieber fan forum.

Did I buy it? Well, no not yet. But I will,  just so I can take this the next time my friends and I get together so we can get our stalk on whilst they discuss some book I have never even heard of and I breathe through my mouth.